Abstract image of ALFRED Frequency

ALFRED - The ALlele FREquency Database

A resource of gene frequency data on human populations supported by Biomedical Informatics and Data Science,
Yale University

ALFRED is designed to make allele frequency data on human population samples readily available for use by the scientific and educational communities.

We are happy to inform our users that the ALFRED web interface will continue from the same URL after March of 2019. Since the funding that supported ongoing data curation and new data addition and expansion has ended, we will no longer be able to support those functions. Ongoing support for the web-interface and the back-end database will be provided by Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (BIDS), Yale University

The database that holds the underlying data for ALFRED (The Allele Frequency Database) and FROG-kb (Forensic Resource & Reference On Genetics - knowledge base) is being migrated to a new and different database system and server. We anticipate database connectivity issues during the month of August. Hence FROG-kb will not be available to the public for browsing until end of August. ALFRED is going through a software and server upgrade.

Release date of ALFRED 2.0 and FROG-kb is August 26th, 2024